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Intimate Surgeries

Among intimate surgeries, the following interventions are offered: liposuction and thigh lift, pubic lift, pubic reduction by liposuction, reduction of the labia majora (by liposuction or surgery), and reduction of the labia minora.

Options for Intimate Surgeries

Liposuction and Thigh Lift: This procedure aims to remove excess fat and tighten the skin on the inner thighs, resulting in firmer and more toned thighs.

Pubic Lift: Pubic lift is a procedure to lift and firm the pubic area, improving the overall appearance of the intimate area.

Pubic Reduction by Liposuction: Pubic reduction by liposuction reduces excess fat accumulated in the pubic region, creating a more harmonious and aesthetic contour.

Reduction of the Labia Majora: This intervention, performed by liposuction or surgery, reduces the size of the labia majora, improving the appearance and comfort of the genital area.

Reduction of the Labia Minora: Reduction of the labia minora is a procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora, correcting any asymmetries and potential discomforts.

Outcome of Intimate Plastic Surgery

An improved contour of the intimate regions is achieved. Reduction of the labia minora eliminates excess skin that can sometimes cause discomfort during physical activity, walking, or sexual intercourse.


Intimate surgeries including liposuction, thigh lifting, and surgery of the labia majora are generally performed under general anesthesia. Reduction of the labia minora can be combined with another surgery under general anesthesia or performed alone under local anesthesia.

Step 1 – Appointment Scheduling

Appointments can be made by calling directly at 514-543-0455 for aesthetic surgery. You can also contact us by clicking on this link and filling out the form, and our staff will be happy to contact you promptly.

Step 2 – Meeting with Dr. Gaudreau

The meeting with Dr. Gaudreau will begin with a brief period of questions to understand the nature of the desired care. A physical examination will then take place, accompanied by explanations and suggestions of appropriate treatments. You will then have the opportunity to ask and obtain answers to all your questions.

Step 3 – Surgery Planning

Once your meeting with Dr. Gaudreau is over, the costs of the surgery will be provided to you by Dr. Gaudreau’s assistant secretary. She will explain the possible payment methods and may offer you a surgery date if you wish. Once you have confirmed the date of your surgery, you will receive an information package including pre and post-operative advice.

Step 4 – Surgery

The day before surgery, you will receive a call from the surgery center to know the time and place where you will need to be the next day. On the day of your surgery, you must fast from midnight the day before. You will then be guided to the pre-surgery waiting room. You will then see Dr. Gaudreau who will probably draw on you and summarize previous discussions to confirm the desired surgery. You will then be directed to the operating room where you will meet the team for anesthesia and surgery.

Step 5 – Follow-up

You will receive a call the day after surgery to check on your progress. You will see Dr. Gaudreau for your first follow-up visit 3 to 7 days after surgery. Your dressings will then be removed, and showering may be allowed. Subsequent visits will be on a weekly or monthly basis and as needed thereafter.

FAQ on Intimate Surgeries

What are the post-operative care instructions for labia minora reduction? 

Certainly, this area will be sensitive initially. It is advisable to keep the area clean using a shower or irrigation with a bulb syringe daily. The application of an ointment is also recommended until the wounds have completely healed.

Is pubic lifting achieved during abdominoplasty? 

In cases of significant weight loss, the pubic area is often drooped downwards. During abdominoplasty, the opportunity is taken to lift the pubic area upwards. Pubic lifting can also be performed alone when necessary.

Are dissolvable stitches used for most surgeries? 

Yes, Dr. Gaudreau uses dissolvable stitches in the majority of her surgeries. These stitches are mostly buried under the skin and therefore do not leave suture marks on the skin.