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Fillers are used to smooth and fill wrinkles, increase lip volume, restore facial volume, and hydrate the skin. They can also be used to redefine the jawline, smooth the skin on the back of the hands, or other areas as needed.

Benefits of Fillers

  1. Wrinkle Smoothing: Fillers are effective in smoothing wrinkles and fine lines, reducing signs of aging, and giving the skin a younger and more radiant appearance.
  2. Lip Volume Enhancement: They can be used to increase lip volume, giving them a fuller and more sensual appearance.
  3. Facial Volume Restoration: By filling areas where volume has been lost with age, fillers help restore the fullness and youthfulness of the face.
  4. Skin Hydration: Some fillers contain moisturizing ingredients that help nourish and hydrate the skin, improving its texture and glow.
  5. Jawline Redefinition: They can be used to redefine the jawline, creating sharper and more defined lines.
  6. Hand Skin Smoothing: Fillers can also be used to smooth the skin on the back of the hands, reducing the appearance of prominent veins and skin imperfections.

Result of Fillers 

Fillers provide results from the day of the injections. However, it is recommended to allow a few days for swelling to dissipate and for the product to fully take effect.


This surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a day surgery setting. It lasts a little over an hour. The volume of the implant, the nature of the implant (saline vs cohesive silicone gel), and the location of the implant (below or above the muscle) are determined before surgery during the consultation with Dr. Gaudreau.