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Corrective Surgery

Our clinic offers a range of corrective surgeries performed under local anesthesia to meet your specific aesthetic needs. Whether you want to repair a torn earlobe, alter a portion of your ear, remove a mole or benign lesion, or revise a scar, our experienced medical team is here to provide you with outstanding results and a hassle-free experience.

Repair of a Torn or Stretched Earlobe 

Torn or stretched earlobes, often caused by prolonged wearing of heavy earrings or trauma, can affect the aesthetic appearance and symmetry of the face. Our team offers earlobe repair techniques that restore its structural integrity and natural appearance, allowing you to confidently wear your favorite earrings again.

Modification of an Earlobe or Other Ear Portion 

If you are dissatisfied with the shape or size of your earlobes or other parts of your ear, our team can offer you personalized aesthetic modification options to meet your aesthetic desires. Whether you want to refine, rejuvenate, or redefine your ears, we are here to accompany you throughout the process.

Excision of a Mole or Other Benign Lesion 

Moles and other benign skin lesions can sometimes be a source of aesthetic discomfort or even medical concern. Our clinic offers precise and safe excision interventions to remove these unwanted lesions while minimizing scarring and preserving the natural appearance of the skin.

Scar Revision 

Unsightly scars can result from various causes such as trauma, previous surgical procedures, or injuries. Our team specializes in scar revision, using advanced techniques to mitigate existing scars and improve the appearance of the skin, allowing you to regain smoother and more uniform skin.

The Outcome of Corrective Surgery 

Corrective Surgery 

The Process 

These surgeries are performed under local anesthesia in a dedicated operating room within our clinic.

Step 1 – Appointment Scheduling Appointments can be made by calling directly at 514-543-0455 for aesthetic surgery. You can also contact us by clicking on this link and filling out the form, and our staff will be happy to contact you promptly.

Step 2 – Meeting with Dr. Gaudreau The meeting with Dr. Gaudreau will begin with a short period of questions to understand the nature of the desired care. A physical examination will then take place, accompanied by explanations and suggestions for appropriate treatments. You will then have the opportunity to ask and receive answers to all your questions.

Step 3 – Surgery Planning Once your meeting with Dr. Gaudreau is complete, the costs of the surgery will be provided to you by Dr. Gaudreau’s assistant-secretary. She will explain the possible payment methods and may offer you a surgery date if you wish. Once you have confirmed the date of your surgery, you will receive an information package including pre and postoperative advice.

Step 4 – Surgery The day before the surgery, you will receive a call from the surgery center to know the time and place where you will need to be present the next day. On the day of your surgery, you must fast from midnight the day before. You will then be guided to the pre-surgery waiting room. You will then see Dr. Gaudreau who will probably make drawings on you and summarize the previous discussions to confirm the desired surgery. You will then be directed to the operating room where you will meet the team for anesthesia and surgery.

Step 5 – Follow-up You will receive a call the day after the surgery to check that the progress is favorable. You will see Dr. Gaudreau for your first follow-up visit 3 to 7 days after the surgery. Your dressings will then be removed and showering may be allowed. Subsequent visits will be on a weekly or monthly basis and as needed thereafter.

FAQ on Corrective Surgeries

Can I return to work after earlobe surgery or mole excision? 

Yes. Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia without any other medication, you can return to work the same day or the day after. However, you may experience some pinching as the effects of the local anesthesia wear off, typically about 3 to 5 hours after surgery.

Will the removed mole be analyzed? 

Yes. Every mole must be analyzed in pathology to ensure its benign nature. You will be notified of the analysis results within 2 to 3 weeks following the surgery.

Is it true that one should avoid sunlight following a facial surgery? 

Yes. Adequate sun protection is crucial for one year to prevent scars from tanning and remaining dark in the future.