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Breast Augmentation in Montreal

Breast augmentation allows you to achieve or restore a breast volume that harmonizes with the rest of your silhouette. Whether it’s addressing insufficient volume following adolescence or due to pregnancy/nursing, breast augmentation is a highly appreciated procedure among patients. It enhances body proportions and helps regain or enhance femininity.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation?

For many women, the size and shape of their breasts play a significant role in their self-confidence and body image. Breast augmentation offers a safe and long-lasting solution to:

  • Increase breast volume
  • Improve symmetry and proportion
  • Restore lost fullness after pregnancy or weight loss
  • Reconstruct breasts after mastectomy

The Result of Breast Augmentation in Montreal

Since tissues undergo rapid stretching during breast augmentation, it may take a few months before the final result of this surgery is fully visible. However, a significant improvement is already noticeable within the first week post-augmentation, and it continues to improve over time.

augmentation mamaire

The Procedure

This surgery is performed under general anesthesia as a day surgery procedure, lasting a little over an hour. The implant volume, implant type (saline vs. cohesive silicone gel), and implant placement (below or above the muscle) are determined before surgery during the consultation with Dr. Gaudreau.

Step 1 – Making an Appointment

Appointments can be made by calling directly at 514-543-0455 for cosmetic surgery. You can also contact us by clicking on this link and filling out the form, and our staff will be happy to contact you promptly.

Step 2 – Meeting with Dr. Gaudreau

The meeting with Dr. Gaudreau will begin with a brief period of questions to understand the nature of the desired care. A physical examination will then take place, accompanied by explanations and suggestions for appropriate treatments. You will then have the opportunity to ask and receive answers to all your questions.

Step 3 – Surgery Planning

Once your meeting with Dr. Gaudreau is complete, the costs of the surgery will be provided by Dr. Gaudreau’s assistant secretary. She will explain the possible payment methods and can offer you a surgery date if you wish. Once you have confirmed the date of your surgery, you will receive an information package including pre and post-operative advice.

Step 4 – Surgery

The day before the surgery, you will receive a call from the surgery center to find out the time and place you need to be the next day. On the day of your surgery, you must fast from midnight the night before. You will then be guided to the pre-surgery waiting room. You will then see Dr. Gaudreau who will likely make drawings on you and summarize the previous discussions to confirm the desired surgery. You will then be directed to the operating room where you will meet the team for anesthesia and surgery.

Step 5 – Follow-up

You will receive a call the day after the surgery to check on the progress. You will see Dr. Gaudreau for your first follow-up visit 3 to 7 days after the surgery. Your dressings will then be removed, and showering may be allowed. Subsequent visits will be on a weekly or monthly basis and as needed thereafter. 

FAQs about Breast Augmentation:

What happens if an implant ruptures?

A saline-filled implant that ruptures will rapidly decrease in volume. Since the saline it contains is the same as in a saline solution, it’s not dangerous and will be absorbed by the body. However, implant replacement is necessary. The rupture of a cohesive gel implant may be observed through mammography, MRI, or ultrasound. Though the silicone gel in modern implants is cohesive and tends to stay within the implant, replacement is still recommended.

Is it true that implants need to be changed every 10 years?

No, if implants are not causing any issues, they do not need to be replaced. Implants should be replaced if they show signs of rupture, painful capsular contracture, or if aesthetic touch-up is necessary.

Is breast augmentation a very painful surgery?

Breast augmentation can be painful, especially if the implant is large and placed under the muscle. However, pain-relieving medications are prescribed and are highly effective in managing discomfort.

Do breast implants cause cancer or other illnesses?

The breast implants used are approved by Health Canada and have been shown to be safe in numerous studies. They do not cause breast cancer (which affects 1 in 9 women in their lifetime). However, a form of lymphoma (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) has been associated with textured surface implants. Dr. Gaudreau only uses smooth surface implants.

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is a thickening of the scar tissue that can occur around the implant. It’s thought to be caused by inflammatory reactions in the body. While not dangerous, it can lead to breast distortion, excessive firmness, and discomfort. It can be prevented or improved with massages or treated with surgery.

Is there a risk of implant rejection after breast augmentation?

Implant rejection actually refers to an infection. Though very rare (less than 1% of cases), infection requires implant removal since implants are foreign bodies that can’t be treated with antibiotics. To minimize infection risks, Dr. Gaudreau takes several meticulous precautions before, during, and after your surgery.

How do I choose the implant size?

During your consultation with Dr. Gaudreau, you’ll have the opportunity to try on different implants on-site or at home using small bags filled with rice grains. The amount of rice in milliliters that feels adequate to you will help determine the final implant volume. Dr. Gaudreau will advise and guide you through this important step during the consultation.